Recently, the Glow Girls had the opportunity to chat with the Casting Depot about their professional experience and offer some advice and success factors for 2021 for those interested in the voiceover industry.

Cassie & Sabrina Glow, known in the voiceover industry as the Glow Girls, are Professional Voiceover & Singing Artists based in Orlando, Florida. This Award-Winning Sister team has an impressive client list including Disney, Nickelodeon, Fisher Price, Sesame Street, PBS Kids, Spotify, LEGO, Netflix, NBC/Universal Kids, Hallmark and more – with some incredible projects to launch in 2021 & 2022. Their voices have been heard billions of times across the world!

Tell us about your credits. What have you worked on?

Together, we have recorded 600+ voiceover projects over the course of our career (we’ve spent a lot of time in the booth!) but some of our favorites include –

Cassie – Voicing the role of Kid Cassandra in “Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure”, one of our favorite shows that aired on Disney Channel. Not only did the character share my name, but it was the younger version of my favorite character, Cassandra, on the series voiced by my favorite singer Eden Espinosa. It was such an honor to be a part of Disney animation history! Visit Cassie’s credits on IMDb

Sabrina – Voicing the lead character, Mila, for 5+ years and 350+ episodes in “My Magic Pet Morphle”, a popular preschool show with over 5 Billion views and almost 10 million YouTube subscribers. This animated show is also on most major streaming platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, Kidoodle.TV and Amazon Prime. I love knowing that children across the world are happy hearing my voice! Visit Sabrina’s credits on IMDb

The Society of Voice Arts and Sciences – Cassie won a Voice Arts® Award for her Singing & Voiceover work on the popular Fisher Price toy “Dance & Groove Rockit” and Sabrina won a Voice Arts® Award for her Singing & Voiceover work on the Amazon Alexa Kids’ app “Toy Doctor”. The SOVAS also recognized our Body of Work. To date, we are the youngest nominees and winners of the prestigious award, and I think the only Sister team too!

What are you working on right now? Anything cool?

We are very excited about some projects launching in 2021 and 2022 (although we can’t disclose details yet). Here is what we can share –

  • Both of us have a suite of Singing & Talking Toys coming out for several major toy companies.
  • Both of us are voicing characters in an animated mini-series together based on a Kids’ book from the New York Times Bestseller list, set to air on a major streaming service.
  • Cassie has multiple roles coming out for several popular animated series on major networks and streaming services.
  • Sabrina has a role coming out for a very popular animated series on a major network, as well as a lead role for an animated short film.

Animation and Toy production typically have very long lead times, so waiting is always the hardest part!

What’s your favorite TV show of 2021?

Some of our favorite animated series and movies right now are “The Dragon Prince”, “Miraculous Lady Bug”, “Soul”, and “Over the Moon”. Non-animation related, we are big fans of “Brooklyn 99”, “The Masked Singer”, and “Nailed It”.

What’s one thing you do often that inspires you to continue to create?

We are always watching different cartoons, animated movies, and animated short films. Seeing stories come to life through all styles of animation is really inspiring in and out of the booth. Voiceover is so closely intertwined with animation – how you deliver a line can influence how an animator draws a character, just as a character’s design can inspire your voiceover delivery and style. Additionally, studying cartoons and animated series and movies has inspired us to go a step further and take hands-on animation art classes to dive deeper into storytelling and character development (and maybe develop our own animated series someday!)

What advice do you have for others looking to break into the industry?

The voiceover industry is fun with lots of opportunity, but it is also extremely competitive too. For those wanting to break into the industry, the first thing to do is to take a class or workshop (there are many options available online to allow you access from anywhere). Taking an introductory class or workshop will help you explore the different styles of voiceover, and more importantly, help you find out if you enjoy it! Ongoing coaching and training is a key to success and remaining competitive in the voiceover industry.

What’s one insider tip to success you’d give for others in 2021?   

We actually have 2 insider tips…

First, having quality at home recording capabilities is a must have for voiceover in 2021. The industry underwent such a revolutionary change with the pandemic – the biggest of which was the need to be able to record voiceover from home. In the past, aspiring talent may have recorded auditions using just a phone app or relied upon their agencies or local studios to record auditions and bookings. Now, having quality sound for your auditions is expected, and the ability to record from home can be considered an edge for winning auditions and bookings. There are lots of resources online on how to build affordable at-home recording spaces.

Our second tip for success in voiceover in 2021 is authenticity. Being authentic in your performance is one of the most sought-after qualities in the business right now. Aim to put your personality and unique perspective into every audition or booking to create the most connected and engaging performance.